New Building Fee Application Rates


New Building Fee Application Rates
The St. Catherine Municipal Corporation wishes to advise that effective 1st May 2019 Building Fees Application rates will be as follows:
Residential Building
Area of building      x Cost of Construction      x Rate
Sq. Meter                 x $90,000                            x 0.20%
Commercial Building
Area of building      x Cost of Construction       x Rate
Sq. Meter                  x $90,000                            x 0.25%
Industrial Building
Area of building      x Cost of Construction       x Rate
Sq. Meter                  x $90,000                            x 0.25%
Institutional Building
Area of building      x Cost of Construction       x Rate
Sq. Meter                  x $90,000                            x 0.25%
Resort Building
Area of building      x Cost of Construction       x Rate
Sq. Meter                  x $90,000                            x 0.25%
NB:- The base fee includes four (4) site inspections.  Should additional inspections be required, a fee of $5,000 per additional inspection will be applied.
Please visit the St. Catherine Municipal Corporation’s offices at Emancipation Square, Spanish Town, or call 876-984-3111-2 for further details .
Andre Griffiths
Chief Executive Officer
St. Catherine Municipal Corporation