Welcome & Introduction to St Catherine Municipal Corporation

The St. Catherine Municipal Corporation welcomes you to our website and hope you will find it resourceful and helpful to the needs that you might have.

With our capital Spanish Town being undoubtedly the most historic town, we are proud to deliver high quality service to the citizens of St. Catherine in a professional manner.

We hope the citizens will work with us to rebuild and revitalize Spanish Town and the entire parish of St. Catherine.

An Introduction to the Parish of St. Catherine
The parish of St. Catherine is located in the County of Middlesex on the south coast of Jamaica between the parishes of St. Andrew to the east, Clarendon to the west, and St. Ann and St. Mary to the north (see Figure 1).  The intersection of Latitude 18o00”N and Longitude 77o00”W is just west of Spanish Town, the parish capital.  There is also a significant expanse of territorial sea lapping the southern borders, but the precise boundaries have not been defined.
Of Jamaica’s fourteen parishes, St. Catherine is the fourth largest (after St. Ann, St. Elizabeth and Clarendon), with an area of 1,192.33 km2 (460.4 sq. miles) or 10.8% of Jamaica’s land area[1].  However, it is the parish with the longest coastline – 112.94 km2 (70.18 miles) or 12.7% of Jamaica’s perimeter[2].  Most of St. Catherine’s coastline is inaccessible and fringes the dry limestone forests of the Port Henderson Hills and the Hellshire Hills, and is either mangrove forest or rocky shore.  Although it has the fewest fishing beaches of all the parishes, it has Jamaica’s largest fishing beach (Old Harbour Bay). The long white sand beaches at Hellshire are very popular to bathers and sun-lovers from Kingston, St. Andrew and St. Catherine.