Annual Butchers Seminar and Licensing Session 2019

Annual Butchers Seminar and Licensing Session 2019
The St. Catherine Municipal Corporation, in partnership with the St. Catherine Health Department, (Old Harbour Inspectorate) and the Police, St. Catherine (South), scheduled a  training and licensing session for Butchers and Butchers Associates, Old Harbour zone, at the Holy Trinity Church Hall, Darlington Drive, Old Harbour on Wednesday, March 27 beginning at 8:30 a.m.
Acting Office Manager of the Corporation Ms. Celia Webster brought greetings on the behalf of Chairman of the Municipal Corporation and Mayor of Spanish Town, Councillor Norman Scott and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Andre Griffiths.  She urged butchers to always be vigilant in attending the seminars and make use of the ‘one-stop shop” provisions made for them to acquire the requisite permit to operate.  
Several Butchers and Butchers Associates turned out and Officers of the Corporation, Health Inspectors as well as the Police representative reviewed and assessed documentations for all.
The Public Health Inspectorate awarded some butchers for the work they have been doing over the years.  The awards were made in the categories of Best Slaughter House, Most Improved Slaughter House, Most Punctual Butcher and Most Cooperative Butcher.
A few of applicants encountered minor delays in acquiring their licenses; however they were instructed to visit the Corporation’s offices at Emancipation Square, Spanish Town for further records processing. Butchers and butchers associates whom for some reason did not attend the Old Harbour zone Seminar, you too may visit our offices for processing.  Our office hours are Monday to Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The Seminar ran smoothly and ended sometime after 4p.m.
There are two (2) Seminars remaining; scheduled to be held in Linstead and Spanish Town zones, respectively:- Wednesday, April 03, 2019, Dinthill Technical High School, Deeside, Linstead and Tuesday, April 16, 2019, St. Catherine Health Department, St. Jago Park, Burke Road, Spanish Town. Butchers and Associates within these zones are urged to come out in your numbers and make use of the opportunity to obtain the appropriate authorization to operate.