Tour of Spanish Town Infirmary and Market

Tour of the Spanish Town Infirmary and Spanish Town Market

On Wednesday, October 08, 2014 His Worship the Mayor of Spanish Town Councillor Norman Scott was pleased to have engaged the Hounourable Minister of Local Government, Mr. Noel Arscott and his team in a one-day tour of the Spanish Town Infirmary and Spanish Town Market.

The tour was staged particularly for the Minister to get a first-hand view of the refurbishing and repair works being carried out over a period at the Infirmary and the Market.

Minister Arscott in an a post media interview said despite the financial challenges the government is experiencing at this time, he was more than pleased to see the volume of work carried out and is still being carried out at the Infirmary. He was quick to point out that the bulk of the work is being carried out with the Council’s resources and commended the Mayor and his team for the marvelous job they have so far done and are still doing. From the look of things, he said he has no doubt the residents and members of staff are satisfied with the facelift at the Infirmary.  

Some of the works being carried out at the Infirmary include tiling, refurbishing of bathrooms, wards, kitchen, re-roofing, and installation of nurses’ stations, kitchenette and pantry among other details. The focus at the Spanish Town Market is general electrical works , repairs of the meat house and three common areas.