Scores of children with teachers from basic, primary and high schools in St. Catherine turned out on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 in commemoration of the St. Catherine Parish Council, JCDC’s annual Floral Tribute to the ancestor’s function, held at the Phillippo Baptist Church, 9 William Street, Spanish Town.
The event was hosted under the patronage of the Mayor of Spanish Town and the Custos of St. Catherine.  
Councillor Norman Scott, Mayor of Spanish Town and Chairman of the St. Catherine Parish Council was unavoidably absent, Councillor Claude Hamilton acted on his behalf in all capacities required.  
 Reverend Jeffery McKenzie, Custos Rotulorum of St. Catherine and Pastor of the Phillippo Baptist Church brought greetings, as well as Councillor Claude Hamilton, again on behalf of the Mayor.
In attendance were St. Catherine Parish Councillors and numerous representatives from various groups and agencies. The gorgeous Miss St. Catherine Festival Queen, Kameika Coleman was among the specially invited guests, also District Officer Christopher Clarke who gave a gripping rendition in song and Major Vincent Davidson of the Salvation Army who offered prayers. 
Guest Speaker was Mr. Jeremy C. Taylor, Senior Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions in the office of the Public Defender. “Wheel an come again…the resurgence of history in Jamaica”, was the title of his message. He pointed out that “We must never forget we are an Exodus people we are still striving in our journey to the Promised Land. The travails of our ancestors must never be forgotten and the nation and other institutions church must develop rituals and traditions to commemorate our deliverance from evil and commemorate our joys and triumphs.  In concluding what was deemed a powerful and edifying message, he said, “Let us go forward as a nation for our next 50 years proud and confident in our skins, our talents, our identity and our history”. 
The recessional took the congregation outside, where everyone gathered for the floral laying at the shackles inside of the Phillippo Baptist Church yard, customarily done by the Custos and Mayor. Immediately following was the reveille by buglers from the Jamaica Constabulary Force Band.
The civic function was rated as one of the biggest and most edifying. Some persons say they were pleased to have been a part of such a historical experience, especially persons who attended for the very first time.  
The St. Catherine Parish Council in collaboration with the JCDC and the Joint Civic Affairs Committee extend sincere thanks to the ten (10) schools who attended, all Uniformed Groups, specially invited guests and Agencies who took the time out to be at the commemorative event.