St. Catherine Municipal Corporation copped two awards

St. Catherine Municipal Corporation copped two awards in the Property Tax Arena The St. Catherine Municipal Corporation, at a function held at the Hilton Hotel in Rose Hall, St. James on Friday, July 07, 2017, received two awards from the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development - for Improvement in the collection of Property Tax and  Outstanding contribution for enabling the largest collection of taxes in the country’s history. The announcement was made at the Corporation's  Monthly General Meeting held Thursday, July 13, 2017. Councillor Ralston Wilson, Deputy Mayor who chaired the meeting in the absence of the Mayor, Councillor Norman Scott said he was truly pleased to hear that St. Catherine is on the ball as it relates to collections and this is saying that something good is happening in the parish. He urged the Corporation's  management team and the Property Tax Unit to keep up the good work. Fellow Councillor's  applauded the the team for the achievement.