Well on our way for burials to commence - Thetford Park Cemetery

Well on our way for burials to commence - Thetford Park Cemetery
Friday, June 8th St. Catherine Municipal Corporation's Chairman and Mayor of Spanish Town, Councillor Norman Scott, led a team of Councillors and Senior Managers to a site visit at the Corporation's owned, Thetford Park Cemetery in Old Harbour.
Among the Senior Managers were the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Engineering Officer, Roads and Works Department and the Commercial Services Manager.
The tour was organized for Councillors and staff members to see the progress of the cemetery and for them to be familiar with the location. Some persons were visiting for the first time.
Mayor Scott said he was pleased to see that a number of vaults have so far been completed. He expressed that he was satisfied with the progression of works and with previous reports that burials are in fact ready to commence.
Several Councillors concurred with the Mayors views.
The landscaping and beautification project at the cemetery is presently underway.
The date for the opening and first burial will be announced.