Amanda Training

  AMANDA Training Session – St. Catherine Municipal Corporation

In a bid to deepen and improve the developmental approval process of the St. Catherine Municipal Corporation, the training for the Application Management and Data Automation (AMANDA) Software was once more welcomed.

The three days training commenced Wednesday, May 30 and ended Friday, June 01, 2018.  An initiative of the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development, the software is designed to allow customers as well as those within the workforce in the Physical Planning/ Building and Construction field to track building and subdivision applications online; and better able to manage the development application process of subdivision and building submissions. It allows for them to be taken care of in a well-organized manner, and is to be used in all Municipal Corporations.

Among the objectives of the AMANDA is greater compliance by developers and professionals in the land development and construction sector, and the establishment of a help desk within the corporation to provide guidance to customers about our products and services.

Participants were presented with certificates of participation at the conclusion of the training session.