Committed to moving the organization forward and  in a desired direction despite conflicting demands and increasing pressures, the management of St. Catherine Municipal Corporation, led by Chairman and Mayor of Spanish Town, Councillor Norman Scott and Acting Chief Executive Officer Mr. Andre Griffiths, the long anticipated Councillor's Retreat was held.
The Retreat was held at the Shaw Park Beach Hotel and Spa in St. Ann, Friday, May 26 through to Sunday, May 28, 2017. All forty-one (41) Councillors and Senior Managers were ‘expected’ to be in attendance.
Attendance was fair. Over thirty (30) Councillors and fifteen (15) Senior Managers who attended contributed tremendously to the Retreat’s success.
Director of Administration Mrs. Nicholee Downie and Chief Engineering Officer Mr. Garfield Thompson were unavoidably absent. Apologies were tendered for them.
Meeting with Senior Managers and Chairmen of Committees
The first session required the presence of Senior managers and Chairmen of Committees. The Chairman expressed how pleased he was with the attendance.
Among the matters raised was the breakdown of the organization in some areas.  It was noted however, that by the end of the retreat an opportunity should be provided to produce creativity and inspiration and a chance for Councillors and Senior Managers to think about what ought to be, where we want to be as a Corporation and devise steps to getting there.
The need for Councillors and employees motivation was also a cause for concern. It was noted that this effort would need the creative participation and contribution of everyone in setting the goals and making the best decisions.
Facilitators for both days included:
Local Government Reform's Project Manager, Mr. Clive Edwards,
Senior Director, Revenue Enhancement and Resource Mobilization Division, Mr. Calvert Thomas
Attorney-at-Law Mr. John Junor
Senior Director, Strategic Policy Planning and Reform, Mr. Junior Rose, and
Corporate Planner in the Ministry, Mrs. Teisha Griffiths.
Matters Discussed
Day one into day two, the issues and discussions were at a deep and thoughtful level. Topics under discussion were:
Bye-Laws/sanctions and problems associated with Council Meetings and how to conduct them,
Property Tax/Revenue Enhancement,
Strategic Laws and the Building Bill and
Strategic Planning 
Breakout Groups
Providing ideas that are clearly understood and capable for execution was the primary objective of the breakout groups.  For this reason, four groups were formed and topics presented for discussion were:
Revenue enhancement
Service delivery
Enforcement and compliance 
At the end of the presentations, several actionable alternatives were arrived at in all groups. Management indicated that coming out of these, actions and measures will be taken in the long term to apply principles and ideologies.
Some Councillors and staff members stated that the retreat will be remembered as helpful, enlightening, and a great experience for all.
One staff member said overall the retreat was good and he was confident that we can apply the principles learnt to further realize the Mission and Vision of the Corporation.
The majority of Councillors and Staff believe that the information presented at the Retreat will add value and contribute to the Mission and Vision of the St. Catherine Municipal Corporation, going forward.
Success of the Retreat
The success  of  the retreat  did not  just  happen;  it  took  months  of  preparation and  planning.     Its success is  directly  attributed to the dedication,  commitment  and  hard  work  of  the  facilitation  team, headed by Administration Director Mrs. N. Downie. The team took  care  of  many  duties including  planning and promoting,  arranging bookings, preparing  agenda, ensuring  that  all  the activities  were executed as planned,  and  of  course,  facilitation  of  the event. The hard work, creativity and resourcefulness of all the parties involved was commendable.
All participants displayed a remarkably high level of participation and dedication to the development of strategies for the enhancement of the organization.  We are confident that if sustained, much benefit will be accrued to the organization.
Thanks to all Councillors and members of staff who found it possible to attend Retreat 2017.
Thanks also to former Chief Executive Officer Mr. Michael Morris who was invited to attend despite on pre retirement leave. We were happy to have had him and we thank him for his input. 
Special thanks to the Chairman of the St. Catherine Municipal Corporation, Councillor Norman Scott, Acting CEO Mr. Andre Griffiths, and Director of Administration Mrs. Nicholee Downie, for their contribution and support.  The Councillors/Staff Retreat would not have been possible without their hard work and dedication.

Councillors at the retreat

Acting CEO Mr Andre Griffiths, Disaster Coordinator Patricia Lewis and Acting Office Manager Celia Webster at the Registration desk

Revenue Enhancement Team consisting of Councillors and Senior Managers Strategizing ways to generate revenue for the Corporation

Senior Staff and Councillors

Clive Edwards - Local Government Reform Project Manager making his presentation

Senior Staff

Senior Director, Revenue Enhancement and Resource Mobilization Division, Mr. Calvert Thomas making his presentation

Councillor Beverly Jobson-Grant working with her team on Improving Services within the Corporation