Over (70) volunteers consisting of members of the St. Catherine Joint Civic Affairs Committee, St. Catherine Municipal Corporation staff members and Youth Groups journeyed from Emancipation Square, Spanish Town to support the parish Labour Day project at Lucky Hill Basic School in Glengoffe, St. Catherine.
When the team got to the location, only the structure of what was supposed to be the school was obvious. Most persons were in awe as to the level of work needed to be done but were eager to start.
Councillor Roogae Kirlew, serving near seven months as Councillor for the Mount Industry Division, explained that it was just a short while ago that the dilemma of the school was revealed to the public when it was featured on television, and before long calls have been coming in to offer support.  He said for this, he was very grateful and pleased.  He expressed thanks to the management of the St. Catherine Municipal Corporation and the Joint Civic Affairs Committee for selecting the school to be the 2017 Labour Day Parish Project.
The project kicked off to a late start but from the beginning the vibe was right; the pots were bubbling, the sun was shining and the labourers were plenty and absolutely no time was wasted.
 The St. Catherine Municipal Corporation‘s role in the parish project once it has been named is to ensure that it gets underway, and the Roads and Works Department plays the chief role in getting the scope of works done, said Acting Chief Executive Officer, Andre Griffiths. He said he was pleased to see the support and level of collaboration from volunteers and entities, and he believes much will be achieved at the end of the day.
The student population at the school is just a handful; however, the few came out with parents to support in whatever way they could.  One little girl, not associated with the school expressed her desire to help with the painting and got a chance to do so.
We at Kirk Distributors, distributors of FARCO Rapid Kill products, tend always to try and partner whenever and wherever there is an opportunity to do so.  We had no reservations in partnering with the St. Catherine Municipal Corporation after hearing of the project and seeing pictures of the condition of the school.  We provided some insecticides and other products for the school, said Kirk representative, Ms. Malcolm.
Sandra Walters who serve as both Principal and teacher at the school said the school population is a mere ten (10) students, ages three, four and five years old.  According to her, the school has been around for 52 years; however it has been at its present location since 2007. She said the building was really in a dreadful state and deserves the facelift it was getting now. 
As she observed the new sheets of concrete ply, newly installed toilet bowl, face basin and her very own office space, she said words cannot express how she felt. The fact that there will be no more rotted and termite-infested ply boards and bucket with water to flush and wash hands just makes her truly happy. She said too that Food for the Poor had also committed to assisting with some classroom equipment.
One parent said the school is very important to Lucky Hill because it is convenient and cost effective for everyone in the community. She said she is very grateful for what has been done.
The management of the St. Catherine Municipal Corporation wishes to thank all entities, and every single volunteer who supported a very successful Parish Labour Day Project 2017. A tremendous contribution was made and the level of participation was overwhelming.
To our valued sponsors, Kirk Distributors, KFC, LASCO Distributors, Food for the Poor, Berger Paints and WISYNCO. Together we smile with the residents and children of Lucky Hill as they enjoy the aesthetics of an enhanced learning institution that will provide an opportunity for a fresh start and an even better school population.  

Before Photos

After Photos